Journal of National Development

The Journal of National Development (JND) is an interdisciplinary bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal committed to the ideals of a ‘world community’ and ‘universal brotherhood’.

Procedure for Manuscript Submission and Acceptance

Journal of National Development (JND) is bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal, two issues–Number 1 (Summer) and Number 2 (Winter) are published in June and December every year.

Editorial Board

Dharam Vir, Former Head, Department of Post-graduate Studies and Research in Sociology, Nanakchand Anglo Sanskrit College, CCS University, Meerut–250 004, India

Guidelines for Contributors

Manuscripts for publication (papers, notes, book reviews etc.) in the Journal of National Development (JND) and Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS) must be in English (in Hindi only for ‘Special Issue of JND in Hindi’).

Manuscript Submission

Journal of National Development (JND) is bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal

Publication Ethics

Journal of National Development (JND) and Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS) follow all ethical values to ensure scholarly integrity in an answerable manner.

About Procedure for Manuscript Submission and Acceptance

Journal of National Development (JND) is bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal, two issues–Number 1 (Summer) and Number 2 (Winter) are published in June and December every year. Besides, a special issue in Hindi is also published every year in the month of June to meet the demand of social scientists, both research scholars and teachers of Hindi speaking states of India. Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS) is a peer reviewed & refereed international quarterly journal published regularly in four numbers–Number 1 (January-March), Number 2 (April-June), Number 3 (July-September) and Number 4 (October-December).

All manuscripts (papers, notes, book reviews etc.) being submitted for publication in the JND and CSS must adhere to the following :
Manuscript should be in English (in Hindi only for ‘Special Issue of JND in Hindi’).
2). A soft copy of the manuscript should be sent through e-mail at papersubmission@ or at least three months in advance.
3). Soft copy of the manuscript, including diagrams and tables, being submitted for publication must be in Microsoft Office Word 2007 format only.
4). Manuscript being submitted for publication must be based on the original unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere and should not contain plagiarized content. Plagiarism in all of its forms represents an unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable for both of our journals. The author(s) should provide a statement attesting to the originality of the study submitted for consideration, following intellectual honesty in proposing, performing, & reporting research and not adopting any non-ethical means and practices.
5). The author(s) should disclose all sources of funding (government, corporate, other) and products or services (such as materials and equipment, statistical analysis, and scientific writing) provided by third parties in the course of the research, analysis, or reporting, if any.
6). The author(s) must avoid duplicate publication, which is reproducing verbatim content from their other publications.
7). Manuscript once received in the office will be subjected to blind peer review, i.e. it will be sent to two experts without disclosing the name, designation and institutional affiliation. Our experts evaluate manuscripts in terms of their content and quality, regardless race, sex, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, ethnic origin, nationality, or political views of their author(s).
8). It usually takes 3 to 4 weeks to get the comments of the experts.
9). The comments of the experts will be communicated to the concerned author(s) and they must revise the manuscript in view of the comments and re-submit for publication.
10). The articles received from Higher Education Forum (Taiwan) or other international organizations which are presented in various international conferences/seminars will not be subjected to peer review as they have already undergone this process and certified by concerned organizers.
11). Author(s) must assign copyright to the Journal of National Development and Contemporary Social Sciences, whichever is the case.