Journal of National Development

The Journal of National Development (JND) is an interdisciplinary bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal committed to the ideals of a ‘world community’ and ‘universal brotherhood’.

Procedure for Manuscript Submission and Acceptance

Journal of National Development (JND) is bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal, two issues–Number 1 (Summer) and Number 2 (Winter) are published in June and December every year.

Editorial Board

Dharam Vir, Former Head, Department of Post-graduate Studies and Research in Sociology, Nanakchand Anglo Sanskrit College, CCS University, Meerut–250 004, India

Guidelines for Contributors

Manuscripts for publication (papers, notes, book reviews etc.) in the Journal of National Development (JND) and Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS) must be in English (in Hindi only for ‘Special Issue of JND in Hindi’).

Manuscript Submission

Journal of National Development (JND) is bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal

Publication Ethics

Journal of National Development (JND) and Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS) follow all ethical values to ensure scholarly integrity in an answerable manner.

About Guidelines for Contributors

Manuscripts for publication (papers, notes, book reviews etc.) in the Journal of National Development (JND) and Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS) must be in English (in Hindi only for ‘Special Issue of JND in Hindi’). One hard copy of the typewritten manuscript, in double spacing with a side margin (not exceeding 20 pages in all), should be sent for publication to The Managing Editor, JND/CSS, D-59, Shastri Nagar, Meerut-250 004 (India) and a soft copy should be sent through e-mail at . The text of the paper should be accompanied by a list of footnotes and references, tables and figures, if any, separately. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum, each not exceeding 4 typed lines. References should follow Chicago Reference Style eg. the name(s) of author(s), complete title of the book (bold italics), place of publication, publisher, year of publication and page number(s) of the citations. For example, Dharam Vir, Education and Polity in Nepal : An Asian Experiment, New Delhi : Northern Book Centre, 1988, 158. For articles published in journals, it should contain full name(s) of the author(s), the title of the article in double quotes followed by a comma, the name of the journal (bold), volume, number, year of publication and page number(s). For example, Kamlesh Mahajan, “Mass Media and Women’s Development : The Case of Television in India”, Journal of National Development, II, No. 2 (Winter), 1989, 182-197 or for an article in the edited book like Kamlesh Mahajan, “Portrayal of Women on Television in India’’, David Sciulli (ed.), Comparative Social Research, Greenwich, Connecticut, U. S. A. : Jai Press Inc., 1996, 53-67. Book reviews should not contain footnotes. Reference to other works, if any, should be incorporated in the text itself.

Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors are solely responsible for obtaining permission from the owners of the copyright while reproducing any material which has already been published elsewhere. Editors reserve the right to publish the articles accepted for publication in the JND/CSS, in a separate edited book simultaneously or later on. A nominal processing fee of INR 2000(single author, add INR 500 for each additional author) is charged from Indian contributors and US $ 45 from foreign contributors which entitles them to receive a hard copy. This processing fee includes postage charges i. e. SPEED POST for Indians and SPEED POST Via AIR MAIL for foreigners. However, the soft copy in pdf format is sent free of cost.