Journal of National Development

The Journal of National Development (JND) is an interdisciplinary bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal committed to the ideals of a ‘world community’ and ‘universal brotherhood’.

Procedure for Manuscript Submission and Acceptance

Journal of National Development (JND) is bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal, two issues–Number 1 (Summer) and Number 2 (Winter) are published in June and December every year.

Editorial Board

Dharam Vir, Former Head, Department of Post-graduate Studies and Research in Sociology, Nanakchand Anglo Sanskrit College, CCS University, Meerut–250 004, India

Guidelines for Contributors

Manuscripts for publication (papers, notes, book reviews etc.) in the Journal of National Development (JND) and Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS) must be in English (in Hindi only for ‘Special Issue of JND in Hindi’).

Manuscript Submission

Journal of National Development (JND) is bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal

Publication Ethics

Journal of National Development (JND) and Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS) follow all ethical values to ensure scholarly integrity in an answerable manner.

About Editorial Board


Dharam Vir, Former Head, Department of Post-graduate Studies and Research in Sociology, Nanakchand Anglo Sanskrit College, CCS University, Meerut–250 004, India.

Associate Editor

1) Sanjeev Mahajan, Department of Post-graduate Studies and Research in Sociology, Nanakchand Anglo Sanskrit College, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut–250004, India.


2) Satya Prakash, Department of Law, Nanakchand Anglo Sanskrit College, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut–250004, India.

Managing Editor

Kamlesh Mahajan, Former Head, Department of Sociology, Ismail National Mahila Post-graduate College, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut–250004, India.

Book Review Editor

S. K. Gupta, Professor of Sociology (Retired), Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014, India.

Consulting Editor

Anita White, West Sussex, U.K.; Arthur S. Wilke, Auburn University, U.S.A.; Benjamin Gil, Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Kenya; Bhoumik Deshmukh, University of Pune, Pune; D. P. Singh, NIILM-CMS, Noida, India; Edgar F. Borgatta, University of Washington, U.S.A.; Edward Gross, University of Washington, U.S.A.; Erling Berge, The Agricultural University of Norway, Norway; Erwin Scheuch, University zu Koln, Germany; Fred Gras, Leipzig, Germany; G. Narayana, Centre for Population and Development Studies, India; Glyn C. Roberts, University of Illinois, U.S.A.; Gunther Lushen, University of Illinois, U.S.A.; Hoimanti Dasgupta, Kalyani University, India; I. S. Chauhan, Barakatulla University, India; Jose Havet, Institute for International Development and Cooperation, Canada; Kurt Weis, Technical University of Munich, Germany; M. P. Singh, West Bengal University of Juridical Science, India; Paavo Sappanen, University of Helsinki, Finland; Pablo Suarez, Uppsala University, Sweden; Raj P. Mohan, Auburn University, U.S.A.; S. K. Gupta, Panjab University, India; S. L. Sharma, Panjab University, India; S. M. Dubey, Dibrugarh University, India; S. S. Sharma, C. C. S. University, India; Satish Sharma, University of Nevada, U.S.A.; Tamsane Foldesi, Hungarian College of Physical Education, Hungary; Wang Xiaoyi, Rural and Industrial Sociology, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academic of Social Sciences, China.

ISSN 0972-8309

World Copyrights of articles published in JND are controlled by The Journal of National Development, 1988. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the Editor.