Journal of National Development

The Journal of National Development (JND) is an interdisciplinary bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal committed to the ideals of a ‘world community’ and ‘universal brotherhood’.

Procedure for Manuscript Submission and Acceptance

Journal of National Development (JND) is bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal, two issues–Number 1 (Summer) and Number 2 (Winter) are published in June and December every year.

Editorial Board

Dharam Vir, Former Head, Department of Post-graduate Studies and Research in Sociology, Nanakchand Anglo Sanskrit College, CCS University, Meerut–250 004, India

Guidelines for Contributors

Manuscripts for publication (papers, notes, book reviews etc.) in the Journal of National Development (JND) and Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS) must be in English (in Hindi only for ‘Special Issue of JND in Hindi’).

Contemporary Social Sciences

Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS) is a quarterly peer reviewed & refereed international journal published since 1972 under the auspicious of Research Foundation

Publication Ethics

Journal of National Development (JND) and Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS) follow all ethical values to ensure scholarly integrity in an answerable manner.

Welcome to JND Meerut

The Journal of National Development (JND) is an interdisciplinary bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal committed to the ideals of a ‘world community’ and ‘universal brotherhood’. The Journal is a joint effort of like-minded scholars in the field of social research. Its specific aims are to identify, to understand and to help the process of nation-building within the framework of a ‘world community’ and enhance research in Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work, Political Science, Psychology, History, Geography, Education, Social Medicine, Economics, Law, Communication, Linguistics and related disciplines like all streams of Home Science, Management, Computer Science, Commerce as well as others like Food Technology, Agricultural Technology, Dairy Science, Information Technology, Environmental Science etc.

Recent Articles

Journal of National Development

Journal of National Development

The Journal of National Development (JND) is an interdisciplinary bi-annual peer reviewed & refereed international journal committed..

Contemporary Social Sciences

Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS) is a quarterly peer reviewed & refereed international journal published since 1972..

Guidelines for Contributions

Manuscripts for publication (papers, notes, book reviews etc.) in the Journal of National Development (JND)..

Editorial Board

Dharam Vir, Former Head, Department of Post-graduate Studies and Research in Sociology, Nanakchand Anglo Sanskrit College, CCS..

Profile of Editor Dr. Dharam Vir

Born on 23rd September, 1948, he graduated from Govt College, Gurdaspur (Panjab University) and moved to Uttar Pradesh for higher education. He did his M. A. in Sociology (with Gold Medal) from a prestigious institute called, Institute of Social Sciences, Agra University, Agra. Rest of his education is done in Meerut. He did his M. Phil, Ph. D. and D. Litt. in Sociology from Meerut University, now called Chaudhary Charan Singh University. He started his career in 1972 as a lecturer in N. A. S. Post-graduate College, Meerut. During 39 years of teaching B. A. and M. A. classes, he has made many landmarks (retired on 30-06-2011). He has represented India in International Conferences and visited America and Western Europe (England, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal etc.) besides Mexico, China and Armenia. He has authored many original research-based books in English besides many textbooks for graduate and post-graduate students in Hindi. 34 students have completed their research work leading to Ph. D. degree under his supervision. He has also completed many major research projects sponsored by University Grants Commission and Indian Council of Social Science Research.

He has won many prestigious national awards. Currently, he is associated with International Roma Cultural University, Belgrade (Serbia).
His e-mails are : ,